Archive for the ‘English Quiz’ Category

Verbs Exercise

March 6th, 2023 in English Quiz

Fill in the blanks with an appropriate tense form.

Nasa ……………………. (plans / plan / has planned) to crash a 2-tonne capsule into the lunar surface in search of water. The mission ………………… (involves / is involving / involve) sending a rocket crashing into the moon causing a big impact and creating a crater, throwing tons of debris and potentially water ice and vapor above the lunar surface. This impact …………………… (releases / will release / would release) materials from the lunar surface and these materials will be ………………….. (analyzing / analyzed / analyze) for the presence of hydrated minerals which would tell researchers if water …………………(is / are / has been) present there or not.


Nasa plans to crash a 2-tonne capsule into the lunar surface in search of water. The mission involves sending a rocket crashing into the moon causing a big impact and creating a crater, throwing tons of debris and potentially water ice and vapor above the lunar surface. This impact will release materials from the lunar surface and these materials will be analyzed for the presence of hydrated minerals which would tell researchers if water is present there or not.