Archive for May, 2013

Verbs exercise

May 22nd, 2013 in English Grammar

English verbs have very few forms. And because these forms are not enough to express all meanings, we use auxiliary verbs with other verbs.

Complete the following sentences with the appropriate form of the verb given in the brackets. In some cases, you may need to supply an auxiliary verb as well.

1. The book ………………………… (come out) next year.

2. ………………………. we ……………………….. (go) to the movie tonight?

3. …………………….. you ……………………. (speak) English fluently.

4. That film is very good. You …………………………….. (see) it.

5. I ………………………….. (live) here for the past six years.

6. She ………………………… (wash) her clothes every day.

7. If you work hard, you ………………………….. (pass) the test.

8. If he helped me, I …………………………… (study) further.

9. If I had known her before marriage, I …………………………….. (not marry) her.

10. The report ……………………….. (write) by me.


1. The book will come out next year.

2. Shall we go to the movie tonight?

3. Can you speak English fluently?

4. That film is very good. You must / should / ought to see it.

5. I have been living here for the past six years.

6. She washes her clothes every day.

7. If you work hard, you will pass the test.

8. If he helped me, I would study further.

9. If I had known her before marriage, I would not have married her.

10. The report was written by me.