Archive for August, 2014

Vocabulary exercise

August 19th, 2014 in Vocabulary

Test your range of vocabulary with this exercise.

1. A …………………… is unlikely to be faithful to his spouse.

a) philanthropist

b) philanderer

c) philologist

2. An …………………….. is the epitome of selfishness.

a) egoist

b) philanthropist

c) semanticist

3. An ………………… is intended to increase sexual interest.

a) semantics

b) aphrodisiac

c) philter

4. Which of the following words can be used to refer to a book collector?

a) philter

b) anglophile

c) bibliophile

5. A person fond of English people, customs etc.

a) Bibliophile

b) Anglophile

c) Philander

6. A …………………….. is interested in the science of the meanings and effects of words.

a) philologist

b) semanticist

c) philanthropist

7. Which of the following pertains to the psychological effects of words?

a) dichotomous

b) semantic

c) sociological

8. Student of the stars and other heavenly phenomena

a) astronomer

b) geologist

c) anthropologist

9. Someone who studies the life of insects.

a) sociologist

b) entomologist

c) etymologist

10. Analysis of living tissue

a) autopsy

b) biopsy

c) autonomy


1. A philanderer is unlikely to be faithful to his spouse.

2. An egoist is the epitome of selfishness.

3. An aphrodisiac is intended to increase sexual interest.

4. c) bibliophile

5. b) Anglophile

6. A semanticist is interested in the science of the meanings and effects of words.

7. b) semantic

8. a) astronomer

9. b) entomologist

10. b) biopsy