Archive for October, 2014

Reflexive pronouns exercise

October 4th, 2014 in Improve English

Complete the following sentences using appropriate reflexive pronouns.

1. We should have faith in ………………………..

2. He let …………………… and his family down by his bad behavior.

3. Saints do not pray only for ……………………..

4. We see ……………………. in a mirror.

5. She ……………………. found out her mistakes.

6. He ……………………. is responsible for this.

7. I learnt typewriting by ………………………

8. I want you ……………………. to undertake this responsibility.

9. She wouldn’t excuse …………………….. for the mistakes she had made.

10. He did the job ………………………

11. The minister …………………….. went to console the victims of the accident.

12. They ruined ………………………. by acting irresponsibly.


1. We should have faith in ourselves.

2. He let himself and his family down by his bad behavior.

3. Saints do not pray only for themselves.

4. We see ourselves in a mirror.

5. She herself found out her mistakes.

6. He himself is responsible for this.

7. I learnt typewriting by myself.

8. I want you yourself to undertake this responsibility.

9. She wouldn’t excuse herself for the mistakes she had made.

10. He did the job himself.

11. The minister himself went to console the victims of the accident.

12. They ruined themselves by acting irresponsibly.