Archive for September, 2016

Singular and plural verbs

September 3rd, 2016 in English Quiz

Complete the following sentences with a verb form that agrees with the subject.

1. My mother …………….. at a school.

a) teach
b) teaches

2. My brother ………………… basketball very well.

a) play
b) plays

3. She ………………… with my mother.

a) work
b) works

4. My parents ………………… hard to take care of us.

a) work
b) works

5. All children ………………… chocolates.

a) like
b) likes

6. Raju ………………… well.

a) sing
b) sings

7. The birds ………………. in nests.

a) live
b) lives

8. No child …………………. to do homework.

a) like
b) likes

9. Children ………………….. about.

a) rush
b) rushes

10. My mother …………………… a story every day.

a) tell
b) tells

11. She ………………… smart and intelligent.

a) look
b) looks

12. The cheetah ………………. faster than any other animal.

a) run
b) runs


1. My mother teaches at a school.

2. My brother plays basketball very well.

3. She works with my mother.

4. My parents work hard to take care of us.

5. All children like chocolates.

6. Raju sings well.

7. The birds live in nests.

8. No child likes to do homework.

9. Children rush about.

10. My mother tells me a story every night before bedtime.

11. She looks smart and intelligent.

12. The cheetah runs faster than any other animal.