Archive for April, 2020

General Grammar Exercise

April 10th, 2020 in English Learning

Fill in the blanks.

A gentleman …………1……….. (one’s / once) confronted Zig Ziglar, the famous motivational speaker and said, ‘You guys come and get people hyped ………2……… (up / over / out) and then you leave and the motivation goes …………3……. (off / away / out). It doesn’t last, and …………4……….. (then / than) you have to get motivated again.’ Zig reminded the gentleman that baths are the same way …………5……….. (but / and / so) we think it is a good idea to take a bath every day!

It is true that motivation …………6……….. (don’t / doesn’t) last. We have to renew it each and every …………7………… (day / days).

The root word of motivation is ‘motive’ …………8…………. (it / which / what) means ‘a reason to act’. You have to have a vision that is …………9………. (enough big / big enough) to motivate you. Have a plan and work the plan.

…………10………. (More / Much / Many) of motivation is emotional. Emotion is a powerful force ………11……….. (in / on / of) getting us going. Passion is an emotion, so fuel your passion. Set yourself …………12…….. (in / on / over) a course to have a consuming desire for your goal, whatever it is.


  1. once
  2. up
  3. away
  4. then
  5. but
  6. doesn’t
  7. day
  8. which
  9. big enough
  10. Much
  11. in
  12. on