Phrasal verbs with along

Here is a list of phrasal verbs using the preposition / adverb along.

All along

If you knew something all along, you knew it right from the beginning.

  • I knew all along that he was cheating us.

Get along

If people get along, they like each other. When they don’t get along, they don’t like each other.

  • She and her brother don’t get along.
  • She doesn’t get along with her neighbors.

When you can’t get along without somebody, you can’t manage a situation without their help.

  • I don’t think I can get along without him.

Go along

To go along is to continue to happen or develop.

  • Everything was going along just fine until he lost his job.
  • My husband will go on a business tour next week and I have decided to go along. (= I have decided to travel with him when he goes on a business tour.)

Rub along

To rub along is to live or work with someone in a friendly way.

  • They rub along well.

Run along

This expression is mainly used to tell children to go away.

  • Run along. I’ve got to work.

Muddle along or muddle on

To muddle along is to do something without a clear objective.

  • If you just muddle along, you aren’t going to achieve anything worthwhile.

Plod along / plod on

To plod along is to progress at a very slow rate.

  • They are still plodding along with that project.

Play along with

To play along with somebody is to pretend to agree with them, probably because you don’t want to get into an argument.

  • I knew that she was making a mistake. Still I played along.