For, while and during

The prepositions for, while and during can show time. For is used with a period of time.

  • I have been writing for three hours.
  • We have been living in this city for ten years.
  • The baby has been sleeping for hours.

While is used with a clause. It is actually a conjunction, not a preposition. The conjunction while is used to talk about two events that happen simultaneously.

  • While I was working, you were playing.
  • While mom cooked dinner, dad tidied the house.

During is used with a noun or noun phrase showing time.

  • It rained during the night.
  • I was ill during the winter.

Complete the following sentences using for, while or during.

1. He has been ill ………………………. two weeks. (for / during / while)

2. I fell asleep ……………………………. the speech. (during / for / while)

3. I had a chance meeting with Tom …………………………….. the vacation. (during / for / while)

4. We waited …………………………. over two hours. (for / while / during)

5. She slept ………………………… I cooked dinner. (for / while / during)

6. …………………………….. my recent trip to Amsterdam, I visited a lot of museums. (during / while / for)


1. He has been ill for two weeks.

2. I fell asleep during the speech.

3. I had a chance meeting with Tom during the vacation.

4. We waited for over two hours.

5. She slept while I cooked dinner.

6. During my recent trip to Amsterdam, I visited a lot of museums.