Prepositions Quiz (Beginner)

July 10th, 2010 in English Quiz

Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions.

1. Silkworms feed ———– mulberry leaves.

a) at
b) on
c) from
d) with

2. Alice excels —————- dancing.

a) on
b) for
c) in
d) with

3. He has a special attitude ———— mathematics.

a) in
b) on
c) for
d) at

4. The godown is infested ————– rats.

a) with
b) in
c) from
d) on

5. There is no exception ————— this rule.

a) on
b) to
c) for
d) with

6. Alcohol is injurious ————— health.

a) for
b) on
c) to
d) at

7. She is blind ————- her left eye.

a) in
b) at
c) on
d) for

8. Which cat is averse ————- fish?

a) to
b) for
c) at
d) in

9. Queen Elizabeth knew how to inspire her soldiers ———— hope.

a) with
b) for
c) in
d) on

10. Early rising is beneficial ———— health.

a) to
b) for
c) from
d) in

11. The old man was too miserly to part ————– his money.

a) with
b) in
c) for
d) at

12. The accident resulted ————– the death of seven people.

a) in
b) for
c) on
d) with


1. on
2. in
3. for
4. with
5. to
6. to
7. in
8. to
9. with
10. to
11. with
12. in