Gerund vs. Present Participle

August 19th, 2021 in English Quiz

Say whether the ing form used in the following sentences is a gerund or a present participle.

1. I am still waiting to hear from them.

2. Not knowing what to do, I went to sleep.

3. Trespassing is prohibited.

4. He does not enjoy wasting time on social media.

5. I have always been against spending enormously on gadgets.

6. Thinking that everything is safe, he attempted to cross the road.

7. He has no interest in pursuing worldly pleasures.

8. They discouraged me from quitting.

9. He was told to quit smoking.


1. I am still waiting to hear from them. (waiting – participle; it is used to make the continuous verb form)

2. Not knowing what to do, I went to sleep. (knowing – participle)

3. Trespassing is prohibited. (trespassing – gerund; it is the subject of the verb is)

4. He does not enjoy wasting time on social media. (wasting – gerund; it is the object of the verb enjoy)

5. I have always been against spending enormously on gadgets. (spending – gerund; it is the object of the preposition against)

6. Thinking that everything is safe, he attempted to cross the road.

7. He has no interest in pursuing worldly pleasures. (pursuing – gerund; it is the object of the preposition in)

8. They discouraged me from quitting. (quitting – gerund; it is the object of the preposition from)

9. He was told to quit smoking. (smoking – gerund; it is the object of the infinitive to quit)