Preposition Quiz (Beginner)

April 9th, 2010 in English for children, English Quiz

Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.

1. I have been ill ————– three months.

a) for
b) since
c) from
d) to

2. This is my first game of cricket —————- a long time.

a) since
b) for
c) from
d) to

3. He wrote ————- me.

a) to
b) at
c) with
d) on

4. This paper is inferior ————— that.

a) to
b) than
c) with
d) from

5. You should explain this ————— them.

a) with
b) to
c) on
d) at

6. Men are superior —————– women in muscle power.

a) than
b) with
c) to
d) from

7. Everybody should pray ————— God.

a) with
b) to
c) at
d) on

8. Send this letter ————- his address.

a) with
b) to
c) on
d) at

9. He suggested this ————– me.

a) with
b) to
c) on
d) at

10. He is going ————- school.

a) for

b) on
c) at
d) to

11. They have invited us ————- dinner.

a) with
b) to
c) for
d) on

12. We reached ————— Singapore in the morning.

a) at
b) on
c) to
d) no preposition


1. for

2.  for

3. to

4. to

5. to

6. to

7. to

8. to

9. to

10. to

11. to

12. No preposition


For is used a period of time.  E.g. for two months, for a long time, for 2 hours etc. Since is used with the starting point of a period of time. E.g. since yesterday, since morning, since 1990 etc.

The adjectives inferior, superior, junior, senior etc., are followed by to and not than.

We do not normally use a preposition with reach.