Change into past tense

In the following sentences change the verbs to the past tense.

1. Rahim writes to his mother every week.

2. The wind blows furiously.

3. The boy stands on the burning deck.

4. She sings sweetly.

5. The old woman sits in the sun.

6. Your son swims very well.

7. His voice shakes with emotion.

8. He runs a successful business.

9. He wastes his time in idleness.

10. A portrait hangs on the wall.

11. The kite flies gaily in the air.

12. What strikes me is the generosity of the offer.

13. He sows the seeds of dissension.

14. They all tell the same story.

15. He lies to avoid punishment.


1. Rahim wrote to his mother every week.

2. The wind blew furiously.

3. The boy stood on the burning deck.

4. She sang sweetly.

5. The old woman sat in the sun.

6. Your son swam very well.

7. His voice shook with emotion.

8. He ran a successful business.

9. He wasted his time in idleness.

10. A portrait hung on the wall.

11. The kite flew gaily in the air.

12. What struck me was the generosity of the offer.

13. He sowed the seeds of dissension.

14. They all told the same story.

15. He lied to avoid punishment.