Posts Tagged ‘a little’

Few and Little Quiz I

February 1st, 2010 in English Quiz

Fill in the blanks with suitable forms of the adjective.

1.    ——————— precaution is necessary in handling that machine.

a)    A few
b)    A little
c)    The few
d)    The little

2.    ——————– public libraries that we have are not well equipped.

a)    A few
b)    The few
c)    The little
d)    A little

3.    —————— people are so hopeless as drunkards.

a)    A few
b)    Few
c)    The few
d)    Little

4.    —————— men reach the age of hundred years.

a)    A few
b)    Few
c)    The few
d)    Little

5.    He spent ——————— days that were left to him in solitude and isolation.

a)    Few
b)    The few
c)    A few
d)    Little

6.    —————– weeks that he spent at a hill station considerably improved his health.

a)    A few
b)    The few
c)    Few
d)    The little

7.    I can’t express my gratitude in ——————— days.

a)    A few
b)    Few
c)    The few
d)    Little

8.    —————— persons can keep a secret.

a)    Little
b)    The little
c)    Few
d)    The few

9.    —————— influence that he has, he uses to the best advantage.

a)    A little
b)    The little
c)    Little
d)    Few

10.    ——————- reference books are as valuable as the Encyclopedia Britannica.

a)    Few
b)    Little
c)    The few
d)    A few

11.    ———————- remarks that he made were very suggestive.

a)    Few
b)    The few
c)    A few
d)    Little

12.    ——————– knowledge of carpentry that he possessed stood him in good stead.

a)    Few
b)    A few
c)    Little
d)    The little


1.    A little
2.    The few
3.    Few
4.    Few
5.    The few
6.    The few
7.    A few
8.    Few
9.    The little
10.    Few
11.    The few
12.    The little


Little is used with uncountable nouns. Few is used with countable nouns.

Little means hardly any. A little means some but not much. The little means not much, but all of that.

Few means hardly any. A few means some, but not many. The few means ‘not many, but all of that’.