Posts Tagged ‘alright’

Commonly Confused Words

March 21st, 2010 in Vocabulary, Words

All right and alright

Alright is common, but the standard spelling is all right.
Everything is going to be alright/all right.

All ready and already
Already means ‘by now’, ‘sooner than expected’ and similar ideas. It is an adverb of time.

I have already finished the job.
They have already left.

All ready means the same as all + ready.

We are all ready. (= All of us are ready.)

Although and though
Both although and though are conjunctions and have the same meaning.

Although he is poor, he is happy.
Though he is poor, he is happy

Note that in informal speech, though is more common.

Though can be used as an adverb to mean ‘however’.

‘Nice bag.’ ‘Yes. Bit expensive, though.’

Although cannot be used as an adverb meaning ‘however’.

Altogether and all together

Altogether means ‘completely’.

My work isn’t altogether finished.

Altogether can also be used to give totals.

That’s $5.60 altogether.

All together means ‘everybody or everything together’.

She put the clothes all together in the bag.
They all went to the theatre together.

Arouse and rouse
Arouse is usually used with an abstract noun as an object.
For example, we can arouse somebody’s interest, suspicions or sympathy.

His strange behavior aroused her suspicions.

To rouse somebody is to wake them up or make them interested.

The speech failed to rouse the audience.
It is not easy to rouse him in the morning.

As if and as though
As if and as though mean the same.

She talked as if/ as though she knew everything.
It looks as if/ as though it is going to rain.

Ask and ask for

Ask = ask somebody to tell something
Ask for = ask somebody to give something.

Don’t ask him his name. (NOT Don’t ask him for his name.)
Don’t ask me for money. (NOT Don’t ask me money.)