Posts Tagged ‘comparatives quiz’

Comparatives quiz

January 31st, 2012 in English Quiz

Complete the following sentences using appropriate comparative forms.

1. The road is getting …………………………………

a) more and more steep b) steeper and steeper c) either could be used here.

2. She is ………………………………… her mother than her father.

a) more like b) liker c) either could be used here

3. The car is running ………………………………… since it had a service.

a) more smoothly b) smoothlier c) either could be used here

4. The motorway is………………………………… than the road.

a) broader b) more broad c) either could be used here

5. Can’t you drive any …………………………………?

a) faster b) more fast c) either could be used here

6. Can you come …………………………………?

a) more early b) earlier c) either could be used here

7. The more I study, the………………………………… I learn.

a) less b) lesser c) either could be used here

8. Your accent is ………………………………… than mine.

a) bad b) worse c) worst

9. He plays ………………………………… than everybody else in the team.

a) good b) better c) best

10. You are getting …………………………………

a) fatter and fatter b) more fat and more fat c) either could be used here

11. We are going …………………………………

a) more and more slowly b) more slowly and more slowly c) either could be used here

12. The older I get, the ………………………………… I am.

a) happier b) more happy c) either could be used here


1. The road is getting more and more steep. OR The road is getting steeper and steeper.

2. She is more like her mother than her father.

3. The car is running more smoothly since it had a service.

4. The motorway is broader than the road.

5. Can’t you drive any faster?

6. Can you come earlier?

7. The more I study, the less I learn.

8. Your accent is worse than mine.

9. He plays better than everybody else in the team.

10. You are getting fatter and fatter.

11. We are going more and more slowly.

12. The older I get, the happier I am.