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Glossary of Grammar Terms Part VI

March 5th, 2010 in English Grammar, English Learning

Concessive clause

A concessive clause is an adverbial clause which expresses the sense of although. The first clauses in the following sentences are examples of concessive clauses.
Although he was not feeling well, he kept working.
Although she is qualified, Susie didn’t get the job.

Concrete noun

A concrete noun is a noun which denotes something which is physical and can be touched. Examples are: tree, cow, rubber, steel, grass etc.

Conditional sentence

Any sentence of the form if … then is a conditional sentence. Some conditional sentences express a realistic possibility. Example: If I get a raise, I will buy a car.

In some conditional sentences, the condition is seen as contrary to fact. Example: If I spoke English, I could get a better job.

In a conditional sentence, the clause with if is called antecedent, while the other clause is called consequent.


By conjugation we mean the process of changing the form of a verb for grammatical purposes. For example, the English verb write may appear as any of write, writes, wrote, written and writing depending upon its grammatical position.


The label conjunct applies to an adverbial which connects its sentence to neighboring sentences. Examples are: moreover, in addition, nevertheless, however etc.


The part of speech which combines two words, clauses or phrases together. Examples are: and, or, but, yet etc.

Coordinate structure

Any grammatical structure in which two or more grammatical units are joined with a coordinating conjunction like and, or or but.


A special verb which connects two parts of a sentence and expresses that the two parts denote the same thing or that the first part has the property denoted by the second. The English copula is the verb be (is, am, are, was and were). For example in the sentence ‘Alice is my friend’, the copula be (is) connects Alice and my friend and state that both nouns denote the same person.