Posts Tagged ‘conversational structures’

Special structures with make

September 21st, 2012 in English Grammar

Make can be followed by an object + object complement. The object complement is usually an adjective or a noun referring to a change in the object.

Study the following sentence.

We became alert on hearing the barking.

We can express the same idea using make.

The barking made us alert. (Here the complement alert refers to the change in the object – us.)

Note that in this structure we cannot put the object complement before the object.

(NOT The barking made alert us.)

Rewrite the following sentences using make.

1. He was industrious because he wanted to become rich.

2. She looked ugly because of the scar.

3. He has become lazy because of the inherited wealth.

4. Our efforts have become meaningless because of the cancellation of the event.

5. He became famous because of his debut novel.

6. The man felt indignant on being refused admission.

7. The people became excited on hearing the speech.

8. He felt sick at the foul smell.


1. His desire to become rich made him industrious.

2. The scar made her ugly.

3. The inherited wealth made him lazy.

4. The cancellation of the event made our efforts meaningless.

5. His debut novel made him famous.

6. The refusal of admission made the man indignant.

7. The speech made the people excited.

8. The foul smell made him sick.