Posts Tagged ‘english grammar exercises’

Present tense exercise

December 10th, 2011 in Improve English

Rewrite the following sentences changing verbs into the present tense.

1. The student who chose the best books for his study found his reward.

2. What he knew he could not explain.

3. No one dreamt of doing what he had done.

4. They guarded the roads so that he might not escape.

5. He told me what had happened.

6. The oxen bellowed so loudly that the herdsman soon found out where they were grazing.

7. Whatever the boy had done, he did not deserve so heavy a punishment.

8. He ran so fast that he was soon gasping for breath.

9. It was clear that he was a lunatic.

10. He promised that no one would be punished.


1. The student who chooses the best books for his study finds his reward.

2. What he knows he cannot explain.

3. No one dreams of doing what he has done.

4. They guard the roads so that he may not escape.

5. He tells me what has happened.

6. The oxen bellow so loudly that the herdsman soon finds out where they are grazing.

7. Whatever the boy has done, he does not deserve so heavy a punishment.

8. He runs so fast that he is soon gasping for breath.

9. It is clear that he is a lunatic.

10. He promises that no one will be punished.