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Grammar and vocabulary exercise

July 19th, 2013 in English Quiz

Fill in the blanks by selecting the most appropriate alternative from amongst the four choices given under each sentence.

1. A cock and bull story means ………………………..

a) a foolish incredible story

b) a dead letter

c) an epic

d) none of these

2. Training is …………………………. to a doctor.

a) irrefutable

b) indispensable

c) inseparable

d) involuntary

3. This is for students …………………….. first language is not English.

a) that

b) whose

c) of whom

d) which

4. There is a higher court than the court of law and that is the court of conscience. It …………………….. all other courts.

a) supersedes

b) superposes

c) excels

d) exceeds

5. There is Mr. Smith, ……………………… they say is the best portrait painter in town.

a) whom

b) which

c) who

d) that

6. Each week, he would set aside one day for the reception of …………………………. chose to visit him.

a) whom

b) who

c) whomsoever

d) whosoever

7. A prudent manager …………………….. from criticizing his subordinates.

a) abstains

b) refrains

c) avoids

d) stops

8. He and his ……………………………. are to blame for the murder.

a) accessories

b) accessaries

c) accomplice

d) associates

9. When I asked them who broke the window, the children ………………………. ignorance.

a) affected

b) effected

c) displayed

d) acted

10. In his speech, the speaker ……………………. to his recent visits abroad.

a) eluded

b) alluded

c) glued

d) spoke


1. A foolish incredible story

2. indispensable

3. whose

4. supersedes

5. whom

6. whosoever

7. refrains

8. affected

9. accomplice

10. alluded