Posts Tagged ‘latin phrases’

Latin phrases in English

July 16th, 2014 in Vocabulary

Several Latin phrases have become an integral part of English vocabulary. Here are some Latin phrases everyone should know.

a priori – from what comes before

acta non verba – actions, not words

ad hoc – created for a particular purpose

ad hominem – appealing to feelings rather than intellect

ad infinitum – to infinity

ad nauseam – used to refer to an argument or a discussion that has continued so long that it induces nausea

alias – an assumed name

alibi – the claim that a person was somewhere else when an act is alleged to have taken place

alma mater – one’s university or college

amor patriae – love of one’s country

amor vincit Omnia –       love conquers all

ante bellum – before the war

aqua vitae – water of life

This expression is mainly used to refer to native distilled beverages

aut cum scuto aut in scuto – do or die

This is what Spartan mothers used to tell their sons as they left for battle.

bona fide – good faith

carpe diem – seize the day

caveat emptor – let the buyer beware

The buyer is responsible for checking the quality of the goods

circa – around, or approximately

citius altius forties –       faster, higher, stronger

This is the motto of modern Olympics.

cogito ergo sum – ‘I think therefore I am’ — famous quote by Rene Descartes

curriculum vitae – the course of a person’s life; resume

de facto –       from the fact

ductus exemplo – leadership by example

veteran — retired from office

ergo – therefore

et alii – and others (This is often abbreviated as et al.)

et cetera – and the others (This is usually written as etc.)

et tu, Brute? – You, too, Brutus

These were the last words of Julius Caesar before he was murdered by his friend Brutus. Today, this expression is used to convey utter betrayal.