Posts Tagged ‘match up’

Past tenses: match-up exercise

January 29th, 2012 in English Games

Match the following sentence fragments to make grammatically correct and meaningful sentences.

Sentence beginnings

What were you doing

The phone rang

As I was walking down the road,

I lived in Paris for ten years

Explorers believed that

When we were children

It happened

I tried a bit of the cake

I was tired because

When you phoned

Sentence endings

we made our own amusements.

I saw James.

while I was a child.

the river ran into the Atlantic.

I was working in the garage.

while I was having dinner.

while I was living in San Francisco last year.

to see how it tasted.

I had been gardening all day.

at eight o’clock yesterday evening?


What were you doing at eight o’clock yesterday evening?

The phone rang while I was having dinner.

As I was walking down the road, I saw James.

I lived in Paris for ten years while I was a child.

Explorers believed that the river ran into the Atlantic.

When we were children we made our own amusements.

It happened while I was living in San Francisco last year.

I tried a bit of the cake to see how it tasted.

I was tired because I had been gardening all day.

When you phoned I was working in the garage.