Posts Tagged ‘nominative case’

Pronouns Exercise

February 17th, 2010 in English Quiz

Write the correct form of pronoun in the following.

1.    We scored as many goals as ——————

a)    They
b)    Them

2.    Can you sing as well as ———————?

a)    I
b)    Me

3.    Alice and —————— were present at the meeting.

a)    I
b)    Me

4.    Let you and ——————- try what we can do.

a)    I
b)    Me

5.    She asked ——————– to wait for her.

a)    I
b)    Me

6.    I know him as well as ———————

a)    She
b)    Her

7.    It was ——————— that gave you the call.

a)    I

b)    Me

8.    Between you and ——————-, I don’t trust him.

a)    I
b)    Me

9.    We are not as rich as ——————

a)    They
b)    Them

10.    John is as old as ——————–

a)    I
b)    Me

11.    He is known to my friends and ———————–

a)    I
b)    Me

12.    She is as tall as ——————-

a)    He
b)    Him

13.    Nobody but ——————– was present.

a)    I
b)    Me

14.    She and ——————– are old friends.

a)    Me
b)    I

15.    Let —————- talk.

a)    He
b)    Him


1.    Them
2.    Me
3.    I
4.    Me
5.    Me
6.    Her
7.    I/me
8.    Me
9.    Them
10.    Me
11.    Me
12.    Him
13.    Me
14.    I
15.    him


A pronoun used as the object of a verb should be in the objective case (me, him, her, them, us).
A pronoun used as the subject of a verb should be in the nominative case (I, he, she, they, we).
A pronoun used as the object of a preposition should be in the objective case.
Let is followed by pronouns in the objective case.