Posts Tagged ‘Nouns’

Common nouns and proper nouns worksheet

June 6th, 2016 in English Quiz

Common nouns are the names of people, places and things in general. Examples are: boy, girl, student, flower, country, book, pens, animals, cows etc.
Proper nouns are the names of particular persons, places or things. Examples are: Alice, Manju, Sonia, Rahul, India, Paris, Taj Mahal etc.

Read the following sentences and underline the common nouns and proper nouns. Write ā€˜cā€™ against common nouns and ā€˜pā€™ against proper nouns. An example is given below.

Agra (p) is on river (c) Yamuna (p).

1. India is the largest democracy in the world.

2. The lion is the king of beasts.

3. My parents gave me a watch for my birthday.

4. English is spoken all over the world.

5. Rahul is my best friend.

6. Mumbai is the biggest city in India.

7. I met James on Friday.

8. My dad was upset when I failed my test.

9. Hindus burn their dead.

10. The boys are preparing for their test.

11. Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system.

12. Greenland is the largest island in the world.


1. India (c) is the largest democracy (c) in the world (c).

2. The lion (c) is the king (c) of beasts (c).

3. My parents (c) gave me a watch (c) for my birthday (c).

4. English (p) is spoken all over the world (c).

5. Rahul (p) is my best friend (c).

6. Mumbai (p) is the biggest city (c) in India (p).

7. I met James (p) on Friday (p).

8. My dad (c) was upset when I failed my test (c).

9. Hindus (p) burn their dead.

10. The boys (c) are preparing for their test (c).

11. Jupiter (p) is the largest planet (c) in the solar system (c).

12. Greenland (p) is the largest island (c) in the world (c).