Posts Tagged ‘perfect infinitives’

Perfect infinitives

October 23rd, 2016 in English Quiz

Complete the following sentences using perfect infinitives.

1. I am glad ……………….. a good job.

a) to have found
b) to have been finding
c) to find

2. She was sorry ………………….. the first prize.

a) to miss
b) to have missed
c) to have been missing

3. We hope ………………… the job by next Sunday.

a) to finish
b) to have finished
c) to have been finishing

4. You seem …………………… him yesterday.

a) to annoy
b) to have annoyed
c) to have been annoying

5. I meant to ………………… the letter, but I forgot.

a) sent
b) have sent
c) have been sending

6. You should ………………… I was getting worried.

a) have called
b) be calling
c) have been called

7. I …………………….. the plants.

a) needn’t watering
b) needn’t have watered
c) needn’t to water

8. You …………………… those words to grandma.

a) shouldn’t said
b) shouldn’t have said
c) shall not have said


1. I am glad to have found a good job.

2. She was sorry to have missed the first prize.

3. We hope to have finished the job by next Sunday.

4. You seem to have annoyed him yesterday.

5. I meant to have sent the letter, but I forgot.

6. You should have called. I was getting worried.

7. I needn’t have watered the plants.

8. You shouldn’t have said those words to grandma.