Posts Tagged ‘sentence correction’

Sentence correction worksheet

October 31st, 2016 in English Quiz

Correct the following sentences.

1. Nobody believe her version of the story.

2. Somebody were waiting at the gate.

3. Every one of us are looking forward to the program.

4. Each of the students were given a boarding pass.

5. The manager as well as his subordinate were shocked to hear the complaint.

6. The flock of sheep were attacked by a lion.

7. Some of us wants a new system.

8. The manager along with his subordinates are expected to arrive soon.

9. The team are confident of winning.

10. You or he are to go.


1. Nobody believes her version of the story.

2. Somebody was waiting at the gate.

3. Every one of us is looking forward to the program.

4. Each of the students was given a boarding pass.

5. The manager as well as his subordinate was shocked to hear the complaint.

6. The flock of sheep was attacked by a lion.

7. Some of us want a new system.

8. The manager along with his subordinates is expected to arrive soon.

9. The team is confident of winning. (Collective nouns are considered as singular.)

10. You or he is to go.