Posts Tagged ‘stand phrasal verbs’

Expressions with stand

April 12th, 2014 in Expressions

Here is a list of phrasal verbs using the word stand. Each expression is followed by its meaning or definition. Example sentences are also given.

Stand by

This is an inseparable phrasal verb. When you stand by you are ready for action.

  • Lifeguards were standing by to rescue swimmers from drowning.

To stand by somebody is to support them.

  • A friend who doesn’t stand by you when you need them is not a true friend.

Stand down

This is an inseparable phrasal verb.

To stand down is to resign. The expression step down has the same meaning.

  • The opposition has been demanding the resignation of the minister but he has announced that he has no immediate plans to stand down.

Stand in for

This is an inseparable phrasal verb. To stand in for somebody is to do their job when they are away.

The expressions sit in for, fill in for and cover for have similar meanings.

  • Whenever my boss is away on a business tour, his father stands in for him.

Stand out

This is an inseparable phrasal verb. If something stands out, it is quite noticeable. The expression stick out has the same meaning.

  • The Apple iPad had many features that helped it stand out from other tablets on the market.

Stand up

To stand somebody up is to refuse to meet them after arranging a meeting with them. This usually happens in troubled romantic relationships.

  • I haven’t met Susie since she stood me up last month.