Posts Tagged ‘verb’

Intransitive Verbs Used as Transitive Verbs

February 3rd, 2010 in English Grammar, English Learning

When an intransitive verb is used in a causative sense it becomes transitive.
Read the sentences given below:
The dog walks. (The verb walks is intransitive in this sentence because it has no object.)
He walks the dog. (The verb walks is transitive in this sentence because it has an object – the dog.)

The birds fly. (The verb fly is intransitive in this sentence because it has no object.)
The children fly kites. (The verb fly is transitive in this sentence because it has an object – kites.)

Some intransitive verbs change their spelling when they become transitive. Examples are given below.

Lie still. (Lie – intransitive)
Lay the book on the table. (Transitive; Lay = cause to lie)

Rise with the lark. (Rise – intransitive)
Raise your hands. (Raise – transitive; Raise = cause to rise)

Some intransitive verbs can be made transitive by having a preposition added to them.

The little girl laughed at the poor beggar. (Here the intransitive verb laughed becomes transitive when the preposition at is added to it.)
He soon ran through his fortune.
Please look into the matter carefully.

In some cases the preposition is prefixed to the verb.

The brave soldier overcame the enemy. (Here the intransitive verb came becomes transitive when the prefix over is added to it.)
He withstood the attack bravely. (Here the intransitive verb stood becomes transitive when the prefix with is added to it.)

Some intransitive verbs are followed by an object similar in meaning to the verb. Examples are given below.

We fought a good fight.
I dreamt a sweet dream.
He laughed a hearty laugh.
She sang a sweet song.
He lived the life of an ascetic.
Let me die the death of the righteous.
He ran a race.

A few transitive verbs are used as intransitive verbs.

He broke the glass. (Here the verb broke is transitive because it has an object.)
The glass broke. (Here the verb broke is intransitive because it has no object.)

She opened all the windows. (Here the verb opened is transitive because it has an object.)
The shop opens at 9 am. (Here the verb shop is intransitive because it has no object.)