Archive for the ‘English Quiz’ Category

Articles exercise

April 28th, 2011 in English Quiz

Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles.

1.       He asked me to go to ……………….. post office. (a / an/ the)

2.       He ate ………………….. whole pudding. (a / an / the)

3.       I should buy ………………….. pair of stockings and ……………….. couple of shirts. (a / an / the)

4.       ……………………. cobra never bites unless it is disturbed. (a / an / the)

5.       This man is …………………….. Newton of our times. (a / an / the)

6.       …………………. British conquered …………………. country. (a /an / the)

7.       The Americans helped ………………….. French in the Great War. (a / an / the)

8.       …………………… banyan is ………………… kind of fig tree. (a / an / the)

9.       There is …………………….. bridge over …………………… Ganges at Benares. (a / an / the)

10.   That cat of yours has drank all …………………… milk. (a / an / the)

11.   How small …………………….. needle do you want? (a / an / the)

12.   Many ………………….. flower is born to blush unseen. (a / an / the)



1.       the

2.       the

3.       a, a

4.       The

5.       the

6.       The, the

7.       the

8.       The, a

9.       a, the

10.   the

11.   a

12.   a