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Overview of the TOEFL speaking tasks

August 8th, 2013 in TOEFL

Here is an overview of the six speaking tasks.

Independent task 1

You will be asked to speak about a familiar topic. You will get 15 seconds to prepare your response and 45 seconds to speak it.

Independent task 2

You will be asked to express and support an opinion based on a familiar experience. You will get 15 seconds to prepare your response and 45 seconds to speak it.

Integrated task 3

You will be asked to read an announcement about something related to university life and listen to a conversation on the same topic. You will then have to give a summary of what you have read and heard. You will get 45 seconds to read the announcement and 30 seconds to prepare your response. You have to give your response in 60 seconds.

Integrated task 4

You will be asked to read a short academic passage and listen to a lecture on the same topic. You will then have to respond to a question by summarizing what you have read and heard. You will get 30 seconds to prepare your answer and 60 seconds to speak it.

Integrated task 5

You will have to listen to a conversation between two students discussing a problem. You will then have to respond to a question by summarizing what you have heard and by supporting the stand taken by one of them. You will get 20 seconds to prepare your answer and 60 seconds to speak it.

Integrated task 6

You will have to listen to a lecture on an academic topic and then give a summary of what you have heard. You will get 20 seconds to prepare your answer and 60 seconds to finish it.