Archive for the ‘Vocabulary’ Category

Common Idioms Part II

July 25th, 2010 in Vocabulary

To a fault
If someone does something to a fault, they do it excessively.

He is generous to a fault. (= He is too generous. He is so generous that his generosity is a fault.)

Gain ground (Become more acceptable)

The belief in the efficacy of vaccination is gaining ground.

Pay off an old score (take revenge on someone for a some grievance)

She paid off an old score by going out with her best friend’s boy friend.

Off and on (now and then, occasionally)

He visits us off and on.

Put a spoke in somebody’s wheel
To put a spoke in somebody’s wheel is to spoil their plans and stop them from doing something.

It was he who put a spoke in my wheel.

Fall flat (fail)

If a film falls flat, people do not enjoy it.

He made several attempts at humor during his speech, but all of them fell flat.

Put one’s foot down

To put one’s foot down is to assert something strongly.

The boss put his foot down and refused to make any changes to his plan.

Turn over a new leaf (to turn over a new leaf is to reform and begin again)

He is not drinking any more. He has turned over a new leaf.

Make up one’s mind (come to a decision about something)

I have finally made up my mind to quit politics.