English Vocabulary Exercise

Complete the following sentences using the appropriate form of the word given in the brackets.

1. The doctor’s ……………………. of the patient took an hour. (examine)

2. Vaccination makes a person …………………….. to various viral diseases. (immunity)

3. Did you have a ……………………….. journey? (comfort)

4. The people impatiently waited for the ………………………. of the train. (arrive)

5. He showed remarkable …………………………. in executing the plan. (intelligent)

6. Owing to engine trouble, the ………………………… of the train was delayed by an hour. (depart)

7. The government requested the ……………………. of the people. (cooperate)

8. The girl looked at her ………………………… in the mirror. (reflect)

9. I cannot find any ………………………… between these two colors. (different)

10. If you follow my advice, you will ……………………… (success)

11. They could not execute the plan ……………………… (success)

12. We can increase the ……………………… of the soil by using fertilizers. (fertile)


1. The doctor’s examination of the patient took an hour.

2. Vaccination makes a person immune to various viral diseases.

3. Did you have a comfortable journey?

4. The people impatiently waited for the arrival of the train.

5. He showed remarkable intelligence in executing the plan.

6. Owing to engine trouble, the departure of the train was delayed by an hour.

7. The government requested the cooperation of the people.

8. The girl looked at her reflection in the mirror.

9. I cannot find any difference between these two colors.

10. If you follow my advice, you will succeed.

11. They could not execute the plan successfully.

12. We can increase the fertility of the soil by using fertilizers.