Vocabulary exercise

Complete the following sentences using the appropriate form of the word given in the brackets.

1. The flood caused massive …………….. (destruct) to the crops.

2. President Kennedy’s ………………… (assassinate) shocked the world.

3. Scientists have always been interested in the …………………. of Antarctica. (explore)

4. A ……………………. (chivalry) gentleman came to her rescue at last.

5. Their …………………. (assume) was wrong.

6. There is an ………………. (abundant) of prawns off the coast of Kerala.

7. She is very ………………. (frivolity)

8. …………………. isn’t bliss. (ignore)

9. The President gave away the ……………….. (gallant) awards at a special function.

10. The lawyer’s …………………. (argue) could not satisfy the judge.

11. ……………….. (brief) is the soul of wit.

12. The …………….. (occur) of the accident on the main road paralyzed the traffic.


1. The flood caused massive destruction to the crops.

2. President Kennedy’s assassination shocked the world.

3. Scientists have always been interested in the exploration of Antarctica.

4. A chivalrous gentleman came to her rescue at last.

5. Their assumption was wrong.

6. There is an abundance of prawns off the coast of Kerala.

7. She is very frivolous.

8. Ignorance isn’t bliss.

9. The President gave away the gallantry awards at a special function.

10. The lawyer’s argument could not satisfy the judge.

11. Brevity is the soul of wit.

12. The occurrence of the accident on the main road paralyzed the traffic.