Latin words in English

English has borrowed several words and phrases from Latin. Many of them have also become an integral part of English.

Here is a brief list of Latin phrases in English.

Ad hoc   – formed for a particular purpose

An ad hoc committee has been set up to study the situation.

Ad nauseam – to discuss something ad nauseam is to repeat it to the point of boredom.

The harmful effects of social media have been discussed ad nauseam.

Bona fide – real or genuine

She is a bona fide expert on the subject.

Caveat emptor – let the buyer beware

Used to suggest that the responsibility to ensure the quality of a product rests with the buyer

Circa – around

De facto – in reality or in fact

Ex gratia – out of kindness or grace

The employees who had been laid off received an ex gratia payment.

Habeas corpus

A court order that instructs that a person who is under arrest be brought before a judge

In situ       – in its original place

In vitro – taking place outside a living organism

For example, in vitro fertilization takes place in a test tube.

Per – for each

Per annum – for each year

Per capita – for each person

Per se – intrinsically, in itself/themselves; Post-mortem – medical examination of a body after death

Sine qua non – something that is indispensable

Status quo – the existing state of affairs Terra firma – land

Verbatim – in exactly the same words

Versus – against

Vice versa – the other way round