Archive for September, 2014

Vocabulary exercise

September 8th, 2014 in Improve English

This exercise tests your range of vocabulary.

1. A person who has morbid anxiety about his or her health is a /an …………………….

a) hypochondriac

b) martinet

c) tyro

d) virtuoso

e) sycophant

2. Which of the following words is used to refer to the act of killing one’s wife?

a) Uxoricide

b) Patrimony

c) Patricide

d) Matricide

e) Fratricide

3. Which of the following words indicate a lack of seriousness in an art or profession?

a) Dilettantism

b) Chauvinism

c) Monomaniacal

d) Polytheism

4. Which of the following words refer to the belief that God is the sum total of natural forces?

a) Theology

b) Pantheism

c) Atheism

d) Agnosticism

e) Monotheism

5. Which of the following words can be used to refer to a person who is a strict disciplinarian?

a) Martinet

b) Virago

c) Dilettante

d) Lecher

e) Chauvinist


1. Hypochondriac

A hypochondriac is a person who has morbid anxiety about his/her health. A martinet is a strict disciplinarian. A tyro is a beginner. A virtuoso is a brilliant performer. A sycophant is a boot licker.

2. Uxoricide

Patrimony is inheritance from father. Patricide is the act of killing one’s father. Matricide is the act of killing one’s mother. Fratricide is the act of killing one’s brother. Uxoricide is the act of killing one’s wife

3. Dilettantism

Dilettantism is the lack of seriousness in an art or profession. Chauvinism is excessive patriotism. Monomaniacal means tending to fixate obsessively on one thing. Polytheism is the belief in many gods.

4. Pantheism

Theology is the study of religion. Pantheism is the belief that God is the sum total of natural forces. Atheism is the belief that there is no God. Agnosticism is the belief that God’s existence is unknowable – agnosticism. Monotheism is the belief in one God. Polytheism is the belief in many Gods.

5. Martinet

A martinet is a disciplinarian. A virago is a woman who shows heroic qualities. A dilettante is a person who lacks seriousness in an art or profession. A lecher is a man who shows disgusting interest in sex. A chauvinist is a man whose attitude towards women demonstrates his belief that they are inferior to men.