Archive for September, 2014

Vocabulary exercise

September 7th, 2014 in Improve English

1. Which of the following words can be used to refer to a man who excessively worships, caters to and submits to the most outlandish or outrageous demands of his wife?

a) Uxorious
b) Henpecked
c) Dipsomaniac
d) Pyromaniac
e) Arsonist

2. Which of the following words is synonymous with alcoholism?

a) Sorority
b) Dipsomania
c) Kleptomania
d) Pyromania
e) Incendiarism

3. Which of the following words can be used to refer to people who have delusions about their invincibility?

a) Megalomaniac
b) Pyromaniac
c) Iconoclast
d) Hypochondriac
e) Martinet

4. Which of the following words can be used to refer to a person who fears shut-in or crowded places?

a) Arsonist
b) Agoraphobe
c) Claustrophobe
d) Megalomaniac
e) Acrophobe

5. A person who sneers at convention and tradition is a/an ……………………..

a) iconoclast
b) atheist
c) polytheist
d) pantheist
e) agnostic


1. Uxorious

A henpecked husband is dominated by his wife. An uxorious husband is dominated by his neurosis, and his wife may not enjoy his uxoriousness. A dipsomaniac is an alcoholic. Pyromaniacs are people who start fires because they feel a compulsive need to see flames. An arsonist is a person who sets property on flames to claim insurance money.
2. Dipsomania

Sorority is a women’s organization. Dipsomania is the morbid compulsion to keep on absorbing alcoholic beverages. Kleptomania is the morbid compulsion to steal. Pyromania is the morbid compulsion to start fires. Pyromaniacs feel a compulsive need to see the flames. Incendiarism is the deliberate burning of another’s property.

3. Megalomaniac

Megalomaniacs are people who have delusions about their invincibility. An iconoclast is a person who sneers at convention and tradition. A hypochondriac is a person who has morbid anxiety about their health. A martinet is a strict disciplinarian

4. Claustrophobe

An arsonist is a person who maliciously starts fires for economic and illegal profit. An agoraphobe is a person who fears large or open spaces. A claustrophobe is a person who fears shut-in or crowded places. A megalomaniac is a person who has delusions of power and greatness. An acrophobe is a person who fears heights.

5. Iconoclast

An iconoclast is a person who sneers at convention and tradition. An agnostic is a person who believes that God may or may not exist and that human beings can never come to a final conclusion about him. An atheist does not believe in god. A polytheist believes in many Gods. A pantheist believes that God is a combination of all forces of the universe.