Archive for March, 2016

Noun clause worksheet

March 27th, 2016 in English Learning

A noun clause is a group of words which contains a subject and a verb of its own.

  • I hope that I will be promoted.

Here the clause ‘that I will be promoted’ acts as the object of the verb hope. The object of a verb has to be a noun or a noun equivalent. Since the clause ‘that I will be promoted’ serves as the object, it is a noun clause.

  • She said that she would come. (Here the noun clause ‘that she would come’ is the object of the verb said.)

A noun clause can be the subject of a verb.

What he told me was a lie. (Here the noun clause ‘what he told me’ acts as the subject of the verb ‘was’.)

  • How we will get out of this difficulty is the question. (Here the noun clause ‘how we will get out of this difficulty’ serves as the subject of the verb ‘is’.)

A noun clause can be the object of the verb.

  • Everybody admits that he is an honest man. (Here the noun clause ‘that he is an honest man’ is the object of the verb admits.)

A noun clause can be the object of a preposition.

  • Pay attention to what I am saying. (Here the noun clause ‘what I am saying’ is the object of the preposition ‘to’.)

A noun clause can also be used in apposition to a noun or pronoun.

  • We won’t buy your statement that you lost the money. (Here the noun clause ‘that you lost the money’ is in apposition to the noun ‘statement’.)