Posts Tagged ‘Vocabulary’

American English and British English – Differences in Vocabulary

August 24th, 2010 in Vocabulary

The same word sometimes has different meanings in British and American English. For example, mad means crazy in British English (BE). In American English (AE), it means angry. Sometimes, the same idea may be expressed by different words. For example, the vehicle that is called lorry in British English is called truck in American English. Here are a few words that have different spelling or meaning in American and British English.

Airplane (American English), aeroplane (British English)

Apartment (AE), flat/apartment (BE)

Area code (AE), dialling code (BE)

Attorney, lawyer (AE), barrister, solicitor (BE)

Cab/taxi (AE), taxi (BE)

Can (AE), tin (BE)

Candy (AE), sweets (BE)

Cookie, cracker (AE), biscuit (BE)

Corn (AE), maize (BE)

Crib (AE), cot (BE)

Crazy (AE), mad (BE)

Diaper (AE), nappy (BE)

Dumb, stupid (AE),  stupid (BE)

Elevator (AE), lift (BE)

Eraser (AE), rubber, eraser (BE)

Fall, autumn (AE), autumn (BE)

Faucet, tap (AE), tap (BE)

First floor (AE), ground floor (BE)

Flashlight (AE), torch (BE)

French fries (AE), chips (BE)

Garbage, trash (AE), rubbish (BE)

Garbage can (AE), dustbin (BE)

Gas, gasoline (AE), petrol (BE)

Highway (AE), main road (BE)

Hood (AE), bonnet (AE)

Intersection (AE), crossroads (BE)

Mad (AE), angry (BE)

Mail (AE), post (BE)

Mean (AE), nasty (BE)

Movie, film (AE), film (BE)

Pants, trousers (AE), trousers (BE)

Pitcher (AE), jug (BE)

Chips (AE), crisps (BE)

Railroad (AE), railway (BE)

Raise (AE), rise (BE)

Rest room (AE), public toilet (BE)

Sneakers (AE), trainers (= sports shoes) (BE)

Truck (AE), van, lorry (BE)

Vacation (AE), holidays (BE)

Zipper (AE), zip (BE)